Congratulations to all students who received internship offers for 2025! As always, NSWMSC has organised the Intern Swap Directory, facilitating graduating students to organise swaps between internship sites/networks within NSW.

NOTE: Monetary exchange for swaps is NOT ALLOWED. This is against the NSW Code of Conduct and any swaps involving payment will be declined.


Check your eligibility and residency status. Categories 1-3 can only swap with Categories 1-3 and Categories 4-6 can only swap with Categories 4-6. Please note, swaps between two RPR  hospitals must have approval from the RPR hospitals involved

Contacting HETI:

  • Accept your offer with HETI within 48 hour
  • Find  a partner(s) to swap with by viewing the Microsoft form given in the link above.
  • Submit your listing by completing the form

View swap listings and contact other students via their contact details provided

Contact  HETI with your requested swap (see below)

Remember to check your emails regularly in case  someone has tried to get in touch with you!

BOTH parties are required to send an email EACH to HETI  (HETI-Internship@health.nsw.gov.au) – see picture for details that must  be included in the email. (If RPR, email must contain evidence of  written approval from the RPR hospital JMO Managers.)

Wait to receive confirmation of the swap being actioned by HETI

Wait to be notified the swap has been finalised after the offer period closes

Please  note that in the case of an offer being rescinded (for example, your  swap partner has decided to take an offer interstate or not at all),  your swap will not be successful. NSWMSC will request for HETI to ensure  that in these cases, it is immediately communicated to you as opposed  to after the final offer period ends.

Closing date for ALL swaps is Friday, 6 September 2024